Auto generate nodes using scripting

Hi everybody,

I would like to write a script or plugin that could auto generate shape tops ( circles, rectangles, etc ) in grid patterns that I specify using 8 bit binary numbers.

The main reason for this is that; while I could instance geometry using sops it would be basically impossible to animate the individual instances afterwards so my current thinking is that if I can just generate the tops as nodes already arranged in the patterns I need It would make it easier to then animate using all the node tools of TD.

is this even possible?

Any help/guidance would be very helpful


Yes, dive into TouchDesigner’s python to accomplish this. The COMP Class has a create() method to create operators which you then have full access to. It is in the COMP Class because you have to specify the COMP you want to add the operators in.



Thank you Ben
this looks like exactly what I am after, I also learned that replicators are a thing and there is also the layout TOP, so at least there are a few trails to follow.

thanks again