Auto Local Address Grab

I’m trying to set up an auto-connect hardware interface for a client that isn’t familiar w/TD. I need a way to query my Local IP on startup. I see that TD is already doing it because the address is available in several drop down menus: DMX CHOP, Art-Net DAT, etc… How do I get it as a channel? (I want the DMX CHOP to recognize anything the DHCP has assigned).

Leaving it as the default * should already do what you are trying to do, though for this to work best, you may need to tell them to make sure the network adapter is up and running BEFORE TouchDesigner starts up (don’t quote me on that).

There is probably some imported python command way to query IP addresses, but any “automated” system you try to build in python I don’t feel like is going to be any better or smarter than just using *

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Giant Lag - on my end, but that worked great. Thx!!!