Automating Noise Parameters

Hi there. I have set up a table listing noise parameters in columns.
I have worked out that I can link the values to each of the noise parameters using the expression
op(‘table1’)[1,1] where [1,1] is the value for the seed, [2,1] is the value for the period etc.

What I want to be able to do is set up a button that changes to the next column of values.
I don’t know if there is a cunning pythonesque “phrase” that I can insert into the code
eg, op(‘table1’)[1,x]; where x is the column number.

I thought I could probably set up a series of [tables] and use a [switch] with a [keybdIn] but that seems inelegant.

Any suggestions will be gratefully received.

Maybe a button wired into top input of a countCHOP and then use

op('table1')[1, op('count1')['v1']]

As well, you can set up countCHOP to loop back to start if that’s what you’re wanting to do

Thanks Ivan - I’ll give it a try. Appreciated.