I’d like to build a wayfinder-type component in TouchDesigner. I can create GEO objects from a table of data to create this:
What kind of approach would you take for automating a line from point A to point B? Point A can always be the same starting point but I’d like to be able to identify an object by an address and then animate a line going between the 2 points.
I was thinking particles would be cool because it may appear as though people a walking in the street but am not too familiar with SOPs and haven’t been able to come up with a reliable/scalable way to do this.
This seems like a pretty straight forward approach and I’m sure someone has already written something in GLSL, CUDA, or Python. Check out these links too:
I’m currently working on a project that is sort of in that domain, except that it currently just randomly roams around in an environment. I implemented it using a state machine with nodes at each intersections and connections between them. At the moment it does a random selection between the available paths whenever it hits an intersection, but I’m working towards making it a weighted choice, such as having a preference for heading towards a particular point.
This path finding stuff could come in very useful. Let me know if you get it working. If I end up going in that direction, I’ll post my work here (it’s also all on github: [url]https://github.com/t3kt/path[/url]).
This may be included in some of the above links, but a relatively straight forward algorithm for finding the shortest path between a set of connected locations is