AutoSave would be really nice

Its use is pretty obvious. It would really save idiots like me from losing half a day of work from accidental crashes because we forgot to save the TD project. Typing so much Python code in an external editor has lured me into a false sense of safety, that I did save, but in reality, I only saved the Python files, and not the actualy TD project. :frowning:


In the mean time, I am gonna tie a timer chop to a python script and just call save every few mins. :smiley:

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And now you have autosave! Ta-da! :slight_smile:

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Next time I know. I should first think to myselfโ€ฆ can I do this in TD using TD?. :smiley:

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Funny enough the whole UI of Touch is built in Touch, so yeah, thats always the question :slight_smile:
Also have a look in the assets section of the website, someone already built one:

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haha. I built one myself in like 5 mins, then added some functionalities as I went a long, such as resetting the timer when I press ctrl-s to save the file normally.

Thank you anyways!
