Hi guys!
I have two channels with data arriving in serial from Arduino.
I would like to make an average of every 10 values for each channel… So basically 10 values arriving from chan1 giving back one single average value and other 10 values coming from chan2 giving another average. Then repeat all of it for the next 10 values and so on…
Any suggestions?
I’ve tried with Analyze, but it does not give me the possibility to choose the values to perform the average, it simply averages all the values present in the channel!
Thanks in advance :))
How you handle this depends on how you want the data… if you use something like a trail CHOP to collect a fixed window of data you could then shuffle your samples into channels that are only 10 samples long… average those channels, then reshuffle your channels to get a sequence that is averaged every 10 samples:
This will have a rolling effect though - as you have a fixed buffer that has a first in first out behavior. You could continually add to your buffer by using the grow length parameter, but you should have some kind of reset mechanic built in so you don’t overflow / crash.
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