A search turned up this thread
Since I am up against a deadline could anyone possibly share a .toe with a barebones setup using a Kinect for input and creating a background subtraction effect?
A search turned up this thread
Since I am up against a deadline could anyone possibly share a .toe with a barebones setup using a Kinect for input and creating a background subtraction effect?
It’s quite basic - if you set the Kinect TOP to player index you’ll get a silhouette where detected players are. Feed this into a Level TOP to push it to full white/black and feed that into a Matte TOP to alpha out either the player or the background…
See opsnippets for examples how the Matte TOP works.
Awesome thanks!
Seem to recall a post where you had done work with support for the ZED camera.
My initial tests in using the ZED for depth based masking are very disappointing.
Way too much flickering and inaccuracies.
Was wondering if you had better results…