best way to stop a Touch process

I would like to be able to stop a different Touch process from within a master Touch process. I have been able to get os.kill(pid, sig) to work but I keep getting the following error although it still kills the process.

I’m not sure what value to put into the sig variable, or if using os.kill() is the right way to do it.

From researching it seems that the subprocces.Popen.kill() is the better method but I can’t find a way to use it with the pid of the Touch process only it’s name. Which won’t work because I won’t know which process to kill.

Any ideas?


My bad scratch all that. I was so caught up in using various methods for starting Touch processes locally and remotely I completely forgot about the project class and the quit method…


You should ask yourself why you want to shut down TouchDesigner. It wouldn’t abandon you. It loves you. You should never leave it.

LOL ^ made me laugh.

I know it was very difficult decision to make. I could hardly click on the button that executed the os.kill() command… :frowning:

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