Any methods to work better using python editor with touch ?
for example better auto fill \function \ correction\debugging…
using this editors:
if some one feel like to share his\her method it will be great.
Any methods to work better using python editor with touch ?
for example better auto fill \function \ correction\debugging…
using this editors:
if some one feel like to share his\her method it will be great.
I really enjoy using notepad++
You can specify it to be your default editor in TD preferences and every time you click on edit
in your DAT’s = notepad++ window will pop up
This is really good to know, thanks!
We use Sublime and love it. Check that out as well.
also Sublime here
Thanks all, But I wonder about ways to debug better and import touch python libraries to check
if project can run well without testing in touchdesigner.
What do you mean?
Sublime has all those plugins for autocomplete, so when you edit your dats with it, you gain all those nice extras.