Birth particles from multiple points simultaneously?


new to the forums here but trying to pick up touch for some future projects. Great program so far but bit of a steep learning curve! but very exited by it’s architecture. I’ve been working my way through tutorials and wiki pages but i’ve hit numerous deadends when building a particle system.

The main thing i’m struggling with now is… i have a circle with x amount of points, and i need to have particles emitted from each point simultaneously.

But the only options i seem to be able to control is a sequential emission from the points .

I’ve searched the forums and only found one mention of this, but no solution. I tried looking through some houdini forums for help but they seem to talk of nodes that touch doesn’t have. Is this possible at all?



I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for. It’s a bit of a trick to force the circle geometry to be rendered as a set of points. The particle system will still randomise the birthing a bit.

circle_demo.toe (6.35 KB)

Thanks for your reply Ian.

I’d managed to get as far as that already i think. so the birthing behaviour is still not what i’m after. At the moment (in both our projects) it’s like 1 particle is being born from 1 single point per cook based on the numbering sequence of the points. What i need is 1 particle being born on all points at the same time per cook.

Does that make more sense?

Edited to Add:
This is something i’ve seen in lots of other 3d softwares, often it’s called pulse or periodic emission rather than a traversing emission.



I managed to partially figure this one, in case it’s useful to anyone else starting out.

For the particle birth rate if you make the birth rate equal to the number of points in the emitter multiplied by the $FPS it gives the effect of multiple particles being birthed simultaneoulsy.
