Hi there,
I’m working on a installation where I play various generative content. The sound design is done with Bitwig.
The TDBitwig integration is excellent. But I would like to find a solution to switch between different Bitwig projects.
I work with different sound designers, and I was expecting to keep each project separate. I’m afraid that if I have to merge them all together, it’s going to be a big mess …
I can open all bitwig projects simultaneously, in different tabs. No problem using os.startfile() or subprocess to switch between tabs. But I do need to have the audio engine enabled.
There is no way to do this according to Bitwig support.
Hope I can manage with the mouseoutCHOP.
In a multi-monitor environment, I managed to position the mouse over the button, but unfortunately the click does not seem to work if it’s not inside a TD window.
Is it a normal behavior, a bug ? (Following older topics, this seems to be the case)
Before to dig other option like the pyautogui library , maybe someone , a bitwig’s guru has a solution
Yes, you won’t be able to control an application outside of TouchDesigner with the mouse out CHOP.