blendpos in cache sop

Learning the cache sop.

The docs are a little unclear as to what parameters refer to capture, and what refer to playback following a cache.

It seems that Blend Position is to be set after a cache is done. Same for cache points only.

Setting these on prior to attaching your sop and you won’t cache anything.

When I re-open the attached file, I have to toggle blend position off and on to get the cache back in.

Is this normal behavior of the cache sop?
Eventually these will be larger geometries read off disk.
If I want to animate them with blendpos do I need to send a toggle to refresh my cache should it be empty?

I couldn’t find any sample files on the board showing best practices for cache sop. Thanks for any help.
cachetest.2.toe (4.45 KB)

If you middle mouse click to get the OP info, you’ll see the cache is indeed full.

The problem was that ‘blend points’ was optimized to only reposition/blend the SOP’s current output points, but given that on startup it had no points yet in its output, it was stuck on empty, until you created some output somehow (eg: turning of Blend Points).

This has now been fixed.

Thanks for catching it,
