Blob Track Mask

The Leuze Top has a bounding box mask parameter - a black&white image to define the valid tracking area. This has been very useful, especially with irregularly shaped tracking areas, but as I’m using more and more Hokuyo, RPLidar, etc, I’d really appreciate it if this feature was available for the Hokuyo and the Blob Tracking TOP.

A workaround I’ve been doing is discarding coordinates afterwards, but then that takes up some of the maximum number of defined blobs to track. Plus, it’s just not as easy to use as a quick-to-generate 2D image

The background input (ie. 2nd input) of the Blob Track TOP can act as a mask if you white-out parts of the texture.

The Blob Track CHOP is missing some features available on the Leuze ROD4 CHOP, and I agree it would be good to have some of those available there so that they can be used with other LIDAR sensors, such as Hokuyo.