A small feature request for the blob tracking.
This would help a lot in background segmentation clean up.
Here in the images I am using nvbackground to get a nice mask of myself, however it isn’t perfect and sometimes it decides to include noise (floating disembodied faces etc) in the background, here exemplified with some circles.
It would be a trivial task to draw over these with some blob tracking making circles / squares. Do a little comp magic on the alpha and now they are removed.
Here done in black using a GEO comp and camera + render, so you can see my point.
Here I am not drawing the info from the largest blob, because well, I would like to keep my body. But you see how the hole between my head and elbow gets recognized as a blob?
This ruins my otherwise simple approach.
Request 1:
It would be great to be able to tell the blob track TOP which color is blobs, and which is hole.
So: White surrounded by alpha here is a blob, but alpha surrounded by white is not a blob!
And it is also a hole. Perhaps output a differentiator value. Blob / Hole.
Or let me choose to ignore holes inside other blobs.
Using the “delete overlapping blobs” options does not take care of the problem, because there are many moments when the (moving) circle on the right would also be eliminated by this, since it overlaps my large body blob.
See images.
Request 2:
It would be great if there could also be a mode where the blob track outputs the actual pixels included in the bounding box, not just bounding box outline, center, width, height, (area would also be great as a included standard number).
So when I say “delete all smaller blobs than this minimum” box, I could also be delete the pixels of the blob I was just tracking (doing so in a shader pass afterwards shouldn’t be necessary since the pixels are already identified to make the blob? So two birds one stone?)
It could also color each found blob, so I could easily grey scale segment. Like largest is always white, smallest is always black… etc…
Just some ideas to super charge this operator / make a palette option.
Possibly related to Blob Track Mask