Hi All,
I just downloaded experiemental build 5554. I have no idea where to start with the blob track top. Has anyone been successfully tracking blobs with it?
hey Adam,
We’ve only just started to play with it, and am getting some results, but will be playing with it more later, as we may implement it into a project, so will post an example soon…
cool, thanks for that. Could you give me a hint as to what combination of OP’s i should be looking at in conjunction with blob track? I’m super keen to get going on it
hey Adam…
here’s an example tox… haven’t had a chance to work on it too much - I think the main thing is to get the glsl translating values to a chop… (this is the same setup I usually use for motion triggers, but it obviously needs some rethinking… )
let me know i fyou get anywhere with it…
blob1.tox (1.95 KB)
You can use the Info DAT or Info CHOP to get the coordinates/id of the blobs that are detected.
Thanks, I didn’t think to use the info chop. Here’s my simplified version.
blob2.tox (822 Bytes)
yeah, perfect…
(I was using difference and level b/c I am trying to track a laser, btw)
Info Dat works great…
(again, I’m using a 15mw laser, hence the level top)
blob3.tox (1.03 KB)
Tracking lasers sounds cool. Are you doing something like graffiti research lab?
hehe… I’m part of GRL.
But for this, we’re attempting to do something similar to Afterglow (mouse emulation)… but Achim and I will be implementing some Graffiti Markup Language stuff in Touch this summer, so will advise!
The wiki help for this TOP is now filled in.
right on. I was partof a workshop with adam and evan a few years back. awesome stuff. will look out for graf mark up
I saw that Malcolm, thanks!
nicely. will advise…
Just wanted to ask about the Foreground as implemented in this TOP…
I am utilizing the BT to act as a mouse click, while using a laser pointer over top of a projection.
I know that generally within openCV/motion tracking you would use the camera as both the BG and the FG, but I thought to input my final TOP output back into the 2nd Input (FG) of the BT TOP instead… my final image moves and rotates based upon the mouse
, so I was trying to make sure it didn’t feedback and trigger itself…
But I can’t seem to delineate between BG and FG if I do… no amount of adjusting the FG threshold will allow me to track my laser when the 2nd input is active…
Any ideas?
(I’ve attached the Blob Component as well, if anyone wants to build off of it… )
blobTrack.tox (1.83 KB)
any ideas or thoughts?