Boids / Flocking / Compute Shader for binning particles - 2021-09-20

Boids / Flocking / Compute Shader for binning particles

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Hi forum~ I’m studying boids and flocking behavior in Touchdesigner .The “TouchDesigner Boids Flocking Tutorial” of David Braun is my starting point and it is amazing!!! (link :

To further development , I change the bird model to fish and put 10 tube of sop in " base_collision_sop" as different collision points which is trying to affect the Boids behavior and it works. But I stuck in the cohesion and speed.

Cohesion :
I want to create different points of cohesion for leading different group of fish to swim.

Speed :
Every time I use the tube in " base_collision_sop" to scatter the fish, and the fish around the tube will swim quickly and turn to normal speed.

A part from that ,is there any way to control the turn around behavior in more natural way. The fish is weird as a robot fish when they turn around with their whole straight body. Maybe like the “Inverse Kinematics” plug in in Unity? control the head rig as leading point? I know TD is more texture/shader orientation , but I cant find the way.

If anybody can answer me , I’ll very appreciate it!!! :pray:

David Braun Project file: TouchDesigner_Shared/Starters/boids at master · DBraun/TouchDesigner_Shared · GitHub

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