BUG: button not clickable after using ui.chooseFile()

focus.zip (8.1 KB)

open the toe file, click the load button and select one of the tox files

neither the “load” button itself, nor the newly loaded “stop/start” button will react on the first click after using ui.chooseFile()

After the second click all is good.

Any workaround appreciated. Thank you!

ya this has been a thing for a while, def breaks some of the ui / ux flow for front ends from the user’s perspective, would be awesome if there was a solve for this +1

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Hey @Achim

Thanks for the report.

I can reproduce and I logged an issue for developer to look into it.


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So this has to do with losing windows events when a window is opened between a mouse down and a mouse up. A workaround would be to change the button type from Momentary to Momentary Up. Hope that helps.

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thank you selina, the workaround kinda works, but the momentary up button has a bug as well:
create a default button COMP
change it to momentary up
click it
→ the state panelvalue is inverted (i.e. it stays at 1 if not pressed and goes to 0 when pressed

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Hey @Achim

Thanks for the report,

I’ll log this for it to be looked into.
