When timesliced this doesn’t work if you leave the component housing it e.g. move up one level in the network. Seems to work when not timesliced.
I’ll post an example scene file after work today if you can’t reproduce the bug.
Here’s a .toe demonstrating the bug. Sorry it’s not the most dynamic .toe I threw it together quickly; my example requires a nanoPAD.
There’s a nanoPAD map here
In this toe, pressing the 12 buttons (in scene 1 of the nanoPAD) changes the render camera. It works but only if you are inside /project1/container1/hold_bug. Jumping out of this container the hold CHOP stops working unless you turn timeslicing off.
Let me know if this .toe is no good to you i.e. you don’t have a nanoPAD and i’ll try to put another example together.
holdBug.1.toe (9.42 KB)
Hi, I don’t have a nano-pad, but I connected another midi device to match the MIDI codes you’re expecting.
I had no problem triggering the different camera views from the root level (even after restarting).
You will have to leave timeslice enabled in the Hold CHOP though, otherwise the camera snaps back when you release a button.
Does it fail for you when you restart?
With timesliced on when I’m inside the component it works as expected, camera switches and holds. When I jump outside the buttons have no effect - no camera change. If I have a second panel open which is viewing the component it works as expected. As soon as you hide this panel so you’re only viewing the panel which is outside of the component the buttons have no effect.
I presume it’s the hold CHOP because with timesliced off when you’re outside of the component it works as expected; camera changes but jumps back to default when the button is released.
I’m not sure what you mean by restart, I restarted the timeline and got the same result.
Have you tried prepend a Null CHOP to it, set to always cook?
Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried it but it didn’t fix it.