The minimize and maximize buttons won’t trigger in the windowHeader widget. In the minMaxClose COMP there is a panel excecute DAT where the buttons are spelled differently than they are in the network.
Two other questions about the windowHeader, what is the best way to set this one up and make it fully usable? Does anyone have a simple tox that demonstrates how to implement it?
There’s for instance a Reposition Window toggle of which I can’t find out what it does. As well as why the WIndow COMP by default has parent(2).op('window') as its expression.
Here is a tox which shows usage of the widget to the extend that functions are implemented. exampleWindow.tox (12.3 KB)
the Reposition parameter is connected to the Container COMP called “header” insight the widget.
When turned on it changes the Drag to Reposition parameter of the header COMP to “Window” making it the element that can drag whatever window this widget is visible in.
thanks for reporting the issue with Min and Max. Unfortunately looking at the connected extension the functions reveal something disappointing:
class MinMaxCloseExt:
MinMaxCloseExt description
def __init__(self, ownerComp):
# The component to which this extension is attached
self.ownerComp = ownerComp
self.windowCompPar = self.ownerComp.parent.Widget.par.Windowcomp
self.panelCompPar = self.ownerComp.parent.Widget.par.Panelcomp
def Windowclose(self, par):
Handles Windowclose parameter callback
windowComp = self.windowCompPar.eval()
if isinstance(windowComp, windowCOMP):
def Windowmaximize(self, par):
Handles Windowmaximize parameter callback
debug('Windowmaximize is not implemented yet')
def Windowminimize(self, par):
Handles Windowminimize parameter callback
debug('Windowminimize is not implemented yet')