Hello TD world!
New to TD. Need a little help
I’m trying to do two things :
1 - build a ‘‘classic’’ Kinect Pixel Wall where I take the source of the kinect and spread it across an array of little screens (or this case a bunch of Box nodes that are being spread by the coordinates of a Grid node).
2 - Be able to move all those boxes seperatly (translate x,y,z,).
Seemed simple enough and it almost works! BUT for some odd reason the image is not spread across the entire group of Boxes but rather repeated a bunch of times.
Part 1:
My network looks like this :
-‘Kinectin’ (Replaced by a ‘Moviefilein’ for you to see my problem with or without kinect)
-geo2 (that contains a Box node)
Moviefilein1 is sent to the ColorMap of the Phong1
Grid1 sends its SOP to sopto1
Sopto1 to geo2 (Intance CHOP/DAT, tx - ty - tz) same for Instance2 (tx,ty,tz)
kinect pixel wall test.toe (4.34 KB)
Part 2
I was able to build a wall of boxes (11x11) by creating 122 boxes/transform/null and position them so that the were properly spread. In this case I could technically have hooked LFO’s, beats, sliders, animation or midi controllers to each individual transforms to get the thing moving. I have a Quadro 2000 and I was rolling at 4 fps while looking at the entire spread of Boxes!!! There has to be a more efficient way of doing this ? A Table sent to a Geo2 connected to the coordinates of a grid ? Like I did in part one, but with manageable coordinates for each boxes.
Wall of cubes.toe (15.4 KB)
So, that’s basicaly it. Getting the image spread properly and making each individual boxes in the grid reactive to coordinates!
Thank you in advance! This is a great community! The learning curve is fast forwared exponentially thanks to all the great tutorials, shared patchs and experiences!
Guillaume b