I am interested in building my own led cube/pillar. I’m interested in these leds but I am clueless as to how I would be able to control them. I see on this controller-led website that they have led receivers and senders. I guess some combination of those things? Wondering if there is a good document/website/forum-post floating around that talks about this stuff.
okay, so I need a led video processor.
Now I am trying to figure out how do I match the receiving card to a specific led IC.
You need a 1x sender card and multiple receiver card(s) that can handle the amount of pixels of your tiles (multiple tiles connected to 1 receiver card is possible). The manufacturer should have a config file .rcfg that you load in the controller software or you can make it manually by adding all the parameters based on resolution and used IC’s. How to build your very own large LED Jumbotron video wall — and go insane in the process! | by Phillip Caudell | Medium I would not recommend Linsn but go for something like Novastar controllers and software.