Camera Comp Not Matching Video Input Aspect Ratio

Hi - I have a camera that is spitting out a bunch of particle effects being applied to a video. However the camera viewer is stretching out the video and is not matching the input video’s aspect ratio (4320x3456). Its like, automatically in a more wide view and as you can see does not fit into the render top’s resolution “transparent
frame”. In the attached picture you can see the image being stretched compared to what the render’s resolution (set to the video input’s) expects.


The Render TOP defines the resolution and aspect ratio, not the camera COMP.

Hi Peeet! I’ve got the render set to the video input’s resolution, but as you can see the video doesn’t fill the actual aspect ratio. The transparent frame (not sure what it is called) is square while the video is showing as horizontal, even though the video input is also square. Any ideas?

Hi @ikkyu666,

hard to tell from just seeing the screenshots - not sure how the particle effect is being created but most likely would look there first.
Share the file here for people here to have a quick look.


Oh yeah if the video is SUPPOSED to be square then your render TOP is working as expected - something farther back in the line is squishing the aspect of the geometry before the camera / render have anything to do with it…

Like Markus said, it would help if you posted the toe file.

An quick/ugly hack would be to change the Y scale of your camera to “un-squish” the rendered geometry, but that might just introduce other problems. best to figure out where the source of the issue is.