Does a Camschnapper solution calculate the ‘principal point’ of image? In this case - basically every projection situation encountered these days - an offset in the principal point would equate to a lens shift.
This seems to indicate yes:
r = tdu.calibrateCamera((geoPoints,imgPoints),width=pWidth, height=pHeight, fov=80, useIntrinsicGuess=True, fixAspectRatio=True, zeroTangentDist=True, fixPrincipalPoint=False)
Ah ha - there are the resultant principal points… and they seem to make a bit of sense… if in pixels. So, my lens shifted up (bottom of screen) projector has 2560 x 1440 res (for some reason) and shows principalX as 925 (I’d expect 1280, but that seems in range) and 1424, which makes sense.
So - where do those values go? Do they end up in the matrix?
Follow-up - I’m trying to visualize the projection frustum. I put a simple box (3D parented to camera/projector), and applied the matrix, and get something. But it’s pretty odd - physically shifted down and off aspect. Has anyone done this already? I’m thinking there’s a formula.
I know other people want this - be good to add it to camschnapper when it works.