camSchnappr 2.0 Beta

Hey Jacques,

I wonder if the culprit of all this is the TouchOSC option to send Touch Message (/z) I have this enabled and am actually using it in the osc callbacks.
Is it enabled for you?


Dear Markus,
I tried with /z activated and its better but not perfect (perfection is always hard to reach…)
– now position fine 2D cursor is working as expected
– when I press the right “select point” button, number are going 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 at reverse of the waited behavior
– when I press the left button, there is still a weird order 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3
Thank you for your commitment.
All the best, Jacques

And its the same weird order with Tab key

Another question:
In the precedent camSchnappr, it was possible to use matrix and exports DAT to configure another camera or, most useful for me, a light to simulate a video projector. I think I found the matrix (/intrisincs) but not the parameter with the camera position, rotate etc. Do you think its possible to retrieve it?

Hey Jacques,

ha - yeah - fixed one side and broke the other. Tab and TouchOSC point selection is now fixed - main issue was due to /z coming in from TouchOSC and the command running twice…

I’ve added 2 more things:

  • Use the Mouse Wheel and Shift+Mouse Wheel on the output window to move selected points vertically and horizontally.
  • You can retrieve scale, rotation and translation from camSchnappr by calling the extension Method Decompose(), this will return a tuple of tuples.
camSchn = op('/camSchnappr')
s, r, t = camSchn.Decompose()

The position of the camera is in the extrinsics Table DAT represented as a Transform Matrix. The intrinsics is essentially the projection Matrix of the camera.

Thank you Jacques for your continued testing! A new version 2.0.6 has been uploaded to the orinial post.


Dear Markus,
Thanks for all! Tab are working, I am far away from home so no OSC at the moment but I found camera position and matrix. Everything perfect, alles in ordnung.

Another update:

I realized that the project component was not properly updating when using a new SOP.
Also the camera of the main window resets to a position that should make better sense for all kinds of scaled sops.


Hey - this is awesome!

Getting a weirdness with the Cameras parameter. When I specify one, it’s fine. When I specify multiples with a space in between, I get path not found. Obviously various stuff breaks from there.

Did the way to specify multiple items change? Wildcard doesn’t work.


Ping - @Markus, any clue why I can’t specify multiple CamSchnapprs in the cameras list? Am I doing it wrong?


Hey Bruce,

please have a try with attached camSchnappr. As Custom Parameters of the OBJ type didn’t evaluate for multiple specified camSchnapprs, the script failed.
The attached should fix this. This will be added in the next release.

camSchnappr.tox (37.5 KB)

Seems to be working, thanks!

Spoke too soon!

The blend works, but the OSC with multiples is not functioning. Is it a similar bug?

Or - how should I be using OSC? Enable all of the schnapps? Just one?


Not solved yet, but for communal knowledge:

Make 1-n camera comps to represent projectors. Make one CamSchnappr. In the Autoblend tab, tell it the projector comps (like this: proj1 proj2 proj3).

Set up as many schnappr settings as possible - they will be copied to your projectors.

Connect via TouchOSC or similar. Go through ‘next’ for each projector. They will become clones. You can go into each and alter parameters as needed. You can also access the mask output.

The currently selected projector is visible in the first tab, ‘project’ parameter. Make sure you pick the right projector before making adjustments.

Hallo Markus,

when I open CamSchnappr in Build 30790 on WIn10,
as soon as I open ‘Main Window’, the comp shows an error message,
and I can’t set any points in the output window. … 2.png?dl=0 … 9.png?dl=0 … 3.png?dl=0

Apperantly, the geo spits out that error, no matter if the input is right or not,
when its a DAT. I did Dat to Chop and instanced from there - and no problem…



is there a way to change vertex color and size in the viewer ? i sometimes find it difficult to recognize the shape when points are too big and overlaping each other.
