I am trying to use camSchnappr to projection map on a box using a 3D model of the box. When I open the camSchnappr window, I am able to select points with a left click. However, a right click is not deleting the points and when I want to reselect one by clicking the blue dot, it just adds another dot there. I keep ending up with too many points.
I tried both as the previous commenter above suggested. It has not helped.
If I add a point with left click then I can remove that point sometimes by spamming a right click. I attempted to find the bug but being new to TD I managed to find that the ctrl/cmd keys are correctly being picked up. The mouse click events are a potential area to explore.
The 3d model is a FBX scan made with scaniverse. There are many points/vertices so perhaps this has something to do with it too.
Please let me know what other information you would like me to collect and I’ll happily help you.
if you could share the file that would be helpful. If it’s too dense of a pointcloud, it would make sense to specify interesting points in a point group before exporting the fbx and importing it to TouchDesigner. camSchnappr has an option to select these points in the pointgroup which speeds up the process. See the Use Point Group and Geo Group parameters.
If you can share the file, please do so. You can also message me personally here if you can’t share it publicly.
So I just compared the behaviour from a macOS machine with a windows 11 machine. The windows 11 performs as I would expect.
I have also confirmed that the ctrl/cmd+rclick does work on macOS, however, the cursor has to be exactly on a single pixel for it to match. I have made a side-by-side recording showing the difference in behaviour.
I suspect there is some display scaling taking place which doesn’t correctly scale the size of the point to select.
I could also suggest an additional feature which uses the TAB select and another key to delete, e.g. backspace. The mouse is more intuitive and if it works well then the suggestion may not be necessary.
Hope this helps in working out what’s going on. It seems the file might be unnecessary, please let me know if you have difficulty reproducing it on a macOS build.
don’t have a mac in front of me right now but is the issue on mac also present on the simple cube shown on startup?
Tab Select should be working - at least on windows I can tab between all selected points.
good idea with the delete key, i’ll add that in.
I extrapolated what you might have meant with the simple cube so please let me know if you wanted anything else. But I just used the cube as the Geo SOP for a camSchnappr and tried to select and remove points. I can confirm the behaviour is the same as the dense Geo SOP used in my example. That is to say that the mouse has to be within a single pixel (or so) for it to be able to register and be removed. Interestingly adding the points has a larger footprint and works as expected. So it’s just the removal point footprint which assumingly is playing up.
I can confirm tab works as expected on both mac and windows. Cheers
I seem to be having the same issue, I am unable to remove points 6 and 7 either by CTRL right clicking or tabbing and using the Delete key, I’m on Windows 10
hm - did the model change by any chance after selecting these 2 points initially? I’ve manually removed them from the tables “objPtTbl” and “imgPtTbl” in /project1/baseUVmapping/camSchnappr/project.
I don’t think the model changed but I could be wrong there, thanks for the info ref removing points, I’ll do that if I get stuck in the future and don’t want to clear and remap, loving camSchnappr BTW!