No idea, but in case it’s not supported, can’t you just sequence them? (should work, but might introduce too much latency)
processA:out > processB:in-out > processC:in
If all processes run on the same maschine you could use a shared memory TOP
I’m finding out there are tremendous bugs which determine whether or not a pipe “connects”
for some reason if I create the client first then the server, it works. It doesn’t seem to be working the other way around… not all the times at least…
These are bugs that have been haunting me for years now…
I also have several pipes between 4 processes going in several directions back and forth, as well as shared memory, deforms, etc. etc. - I’d rather create a second pipe and (timing it so that the client starts up before the server, which seems to work) have direct connection to the second process.