Can anybody point me towards tutorials that deal with creating these kinds of sketches?

Here is a post from VanTa Digital’s instagram.

I love the aesthetic of this sketch. I assume the key ingredient here was skilful GLSL code to achieve the shading on the abstract form?

Can anybody point me towards any resources/ tutorials that would start me in the right direction to learning how to make something like this?


Well you can see all the key ingredients by reading the tags with that instagram post :wink:

To experiment with raymarching in TouchDesigner I recommend to play with RayTK, a library of TouchDesigner components that construct raymarching shaders (and other types of shaders) with networks of COMPs using the TouchDesigner network editor.
See documentation and tutorials.

some examples on instagram:

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Vanta himself also did workshops at the last summit, haven’t watched them yet but probably related :wink:

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Thanks to both of you for the info - gonna check it all out.