hey hey! i had this question today and didn’t seem find find a way around it.
say, i’m binding this Type parameter into a parent component. The Type has a dropdown menu of 4 options: off, clamp, loop and zigzag. Is there a way to only have the last two, ie. loop and zigzag as options in the custom component drop down?
i edited the parameter’s menuname and menulabel so that there are only the loop and zigzag option. however, the actual parameter on the operator still took the bind as off and clamp.
is there a way to achieve what I wanted to do? thanks heaps!!
Because the parameter in the parent and the child arent in one-to-one correspondence any more, you shouldn’t bind them directly any more. You should rather find a proper python snippet to reference the parent parameter. Something like parent().par.Type.menuIndex + 2 might work, because you menuItem 0 in the parent now corrensponds to menuItem 2 in the child (loop)
Consider using an expression on the builtin parameter to reference the custom parameter instead of a bind. There’s no way to remove the other options in the built-in parameter. You can still bind, but you’ll always be able to use the other options on the builtin.
Also note that for bound custom menuNames to work, you have to match the builtin menuNames exactly. They are generally uncapitalized, while the menuLabels are capitalized.