I know cinema 4d and I am looking to learn Javascript… and I am interesting in touchdesigner…
I was wondering if it is possible to use javascript inside touchdesigner in order to import assets from cinema 4d and make the interactive, then use touchdesigner as the multi touch platform?
is it possible? Is this even a suggested workflow? what do you recommend?
thank you for your time.
I do not understand why you want to use javascript in TD? One of the many reasons I choose to leave Isadora and Max/msp for TD is Python. Python is the scripting langage for Cinema 4D, for Mathematica, for Mapple, for Blender and numerous other softwares. Python is a langage created to script software.
Javascript is a langage created to script html page with many limitations linked with web security (it’s quite difficult to save files in the OS). Isadora and Max/Msp use Javascript as scripting langage and you are limited at the universe inside your script object with no way to communicate to other informations, inside or outside the software.
With Python in TD, you have the possibility to write and to fetch informations and parameters from any place inside and outside TD.
I think it’s more useful for you to learn Python!