Can somebody explain this awesome T-Script Command?

This has always confused me:

The F1 Macro in touch designer is set to run

winplacement perform.enable = 1

From reading the WIKI this: “Main Designer/Perform window enable”

(Can anyone explain this?)

What my experiments have shown me is that will “open” or enable, the window component labeled “perform” (in the root of the project). Changing the name of this component and pressing F1 opens a blank window.

However, if in the window placement dialog I disable hide editor during perform mode, I see the following:

Pressing F1 does open the perform window however, the GUI continues rendering (i.e. it looks like Touch is not in perform mode at all). I can then click on the perform window and manually open it. So my questions are:

In production, what is the ideal way to handle perform mode? Is it to add your own window and put that into perform mode or is it best to try to output your render as the background (so that it works in the main “perform” component)?

How do the pros do it?

So 1 for 1, that command calls the winplacement dialog, goes to the Perform check box, and sets it to 1. That will get rid of the network editor and open the window in the path next to it, which by default is /perform, in perform mode.

Although the window placement dialog isn’t used much since the Window COMP exists now. So generally you’ll just set a Window COMP to perform mode, and you have all the settings in there for always on top and cursor visiblity. Then if you want you can point the /perform container at your window comp so that F1 opens it.