Can't create TD Song on TDAbleton Package Beta

Hi there

I’m trying to use TDAbleton Package Beta with Ableton 11. The problem is that I’m unable to create a TD Song

It seems everything is fine but when pressing the “Create” button on the “No TDA Master” dialog, it doesn’t affect the master channel on Ableton, not showing the TD Song square on the lower left

(I know it’s a beta release, but i’m trying to work it out)

Anyone having this same problem or that knows how to fix it?

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-28 a la(s) 13.07.59

First thing I would try is reinstalling TDAbleton. Follow the instructions on the wiki closely. Make sure that Live is closed when you are installing.

If that still doesn’t work, please post your Live build # and I will investigate!

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