Can't map a key to 'reset' a Record CHOP - bug?

I’ve assigned the 1 key to record On/Off which works. I’ve assigned the 2 key to the ‘Reset Channel’ button which does not work. It seems to work fine on other CHOPs that have a Pulse Reset but not the Record CHOP. Am I doing something wrong?

ResetMePlease.toe (3.9 KB)

Odd. I’m adding this to the bug queue

This will be fixed in the coming experimental release. For now, as a workaround, you can use a chopexecDAT to trigger the reset when that channel changes. Command is


Thanks Ivan!

hey Ivan, i got this error when i try the chopexecDAT. is there any solution to this?

Ah that’s a quote problem. Looks like you have special quotes in there (maybe copied from my example in this forum). Try changing them to normal quotes

Thanks Ivan, it works!!