car paint shader

this is a pretty simple shader based on the auto-generated glsl shaders. it has 2 different speculars, an environment map based on normal falloff, and a glitter technique i pulled from rendermonkey. uses a 3d texture to build a 3d noise map. (the only way i know to use this is to unlock the 3d texture top, then cook the noise top until it’s full, then lock the texture again.)

built using build 3327
car_paint_shader.tox (178 KB)

Very nice.
To setup the 3D noise texture , just turn on the Pre-Fill parameter for the Texture 3D TOP. This will fill all of it’s slices by cooking it’s input at $F = 1, $F = 2, $F =3 etc. up until the number of slices it needs. Once it’s filled (it does it all in one frame), it will turn itself off so it no longer cooks. It initializes itself at startup, or the first time the parameter goes from 0 to 1.

I’ve updated the .tox file so it won’t crash when you try enter the component in the latest builds (a bug that’ll be fixed in the next release). Also the Texture 3D TOP uses the pre-fill parameter.