I’m new to TD so excuse me for my lack of knowlegde and the right terms.
I am attempting to draw different types of chaos maps in TD. I’ve gotten so far that i have made a circle top change positions based on a set of x-coordinates from one table dat and y-coordinates from another, running over each coordinates one at a time, with a feedback loop that makes sure that all the coordinates are burned in to the picture.
However, is there a way to visually place all the coordinates at once. Like placing 2000 particles at each 2000 coordinates i have in my table dat, simultaneously . I’m not sure if i should use particles, points or circle?
the thing you most likely want to read up on is a technique called “Instancing” where a single geometry object is copied many times into positions specified via the Instance page on the Geometry COMP.
I would suggest going through some of the tutorials that deal with that topic as it also requires you to setup a render network.
If you haven’t yet, also check out the Operator Snippets for the Geometry COMP which will give you good insight into Instancing as well.
There are other possible ways to do this (Copy SOP comes to mind) but Instancing defenitely is the most performant allowing a large number of copies to be created without much performance impact.