Challenges building widget interface

Hello, I am following a tutorial from TouchDesigner on YouTube building a widget interface and I am running into some challenges.

One issue I’m having (following the Widgets Part 7 video) is that after creating a replicator for a section of knobs, I cannot select and drag and drop knobs onto the component editor window to create the par into a page. As I follow the tutorial, it shows an arrow with a plus underneath it as he drags sliders onto the component editor window. I don’t seem to have that ability.

Another issue I am encountering is upon trying to copy/paste containers (for example, I have a grid of 40 buttons, I create a row of 8 buttons, then copy and paste the container 5 times to stack top to bottom for the grid), I keep encountering AttributeError: ‘td.Shortcut’ object has no attribute ‘Widget’

Sometimes I get this error for a single line, sometimes that error repeats for like 10 lines. I am not familiar with coding or using python so I am not sure how to resolve this issue.

I suppose I could manually bind each individual button, knob, and slider how it was shown early in the video but it would be nice to streamline the process how it is shown in the video itself. Can anyone provide any insight or advice? Controller is Akai Apc40 mkii, maybe someone has already built a binded interface perhaps?

Hey Kmachovsn,

Can you please post your file here so I can have a look? If you don’t want to share it can you send a file to



APC40mkii UI.10.toe (2.0 MB)

Thank you for your response Jarrett. I’ve attached the project file

Is the problem that there is no Basic Widgets component in the file?

In the palette, locate the UI/BasicWidgets/Package/basicWidgets component and drag it into your file. The widget system requires this package to be loaded for these kinds of features to work…