changes to shared memory header - which version ?

Dear Malcolm and Co.,

can you please tell me which build of 077 is the last one before the changes to the shared memory header? I’m using 11740 of FTE commercial because my old code still uses the onld header so everything breaks on newer versions.
are there any later builds that should work with the old header and how can I find the right installer for it?

I’ll try to update it but, because it’s an important project, I’d like to keep it at this version until I can change the header properly.



it looks like shared memory headers were updated for build 11800.


thanks Selina,

so what’s the previous build and is there a link I can follow? :slight_smile:



looks like the previous build we released is the one you are using 11740.

Selina … .11740.msi … .11740.msi

Thanks Ben and Selina,

I’ll have a go at updating my software to use the new header for shared memory.

I am not much of a programmer and the libraries I use seem to only work in VS2005 and built as 32-bit. :frowning: lots of it needs updating.


Hi, (to Malcolm and Selina)

I’m working with a programmer to update our shared memory code for augmented reality in Touch.

is there a note somewhere of the changes to the shared memory stuff so we cna see where we need to change our code?

If we are still stuck after a few days’ trying, would we be able to share a dropbox folder with you to take a peek and see where we went wrong? :slight_smile:

meanwhile I’ll see if I can find it in the release notes for 11800.

well I found this back in earlier release notes: [url]TouchDesigner Documentation

Shared Memory Operators - If you recompile your .exe files with the latest UT_SharedMem.cpp and UT_SharedMem.h included in the installer, the OPs should handle clearing the shared memory better when the sender opens/closes.
