changing a locked CHOP vs a locked DAT

Imagine you have single channel locked CHOP. Now you run chopsample to change some sample’s value. As the CHOP won’t cook I don’t get any cooktime info, so how can i figure out how much time it takes to change a sample?

Likewise, a locked table DAT (with 2k rows) and using the table command.

Basically I need to find out which of the two is the faster approach


The best way to do this is have a large sample set: change the CHOP/DAT value 1000s of times in a loop and use the ‘mark’ command in script to measure how long it took to do all those changes (using the performance monitor).

so this will be the total cost? i.e. when running the table command on a table DAT (not locked), then I have the cost of the command (measured via mark command) and the cost of the table DAT cooking (via mmb). So when the DAT is locked, will the time reported via mark command be the actual and complete time the operation takes?

The command wont return until the operation is complete in either case.
If you want to include the cook time (which should be negligible) you could add an opcook
command after each table command, though I think its unnecessary.

My suspicion is that the chopsample command is faster as there will be less string->number
manipulation downstream, though DATs are generally easier to work with.