I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the decimal place to one digit, two digits, three digits, etc. And how you can only represent it as an integer, not as a decimal point.
It’s been awhile since I’ve done this, but I believe you can do everything you’re wanting in a math CHOP (ceiling, floor, etc)
Hi @kijhome,
CHOPs in general hold float values so while you might be able to display it in the CHOP viewer as a single digit value, inherently it will still be a float.
You can round to the next integer in various ways as mentioned by @luxnaut by using the Math CHOP or quantize the value by using the Limit CHOP’s parameters on the Quantize page. This way you can round to the next integer or any decimal value.
Just watch out when then maybe using the value later on. As you can see in this picture, while the CHOP might display a value of 0.5
when displaying it through an expression in a Text TOP, it will show to be the actual value of 0.5099999..