Choosing the texture filtering mode for the geo text comp

Not exactly sure how the font rendering works with the geo text COMP (I believe it’s a sort of atlas of distance field textures), but it would be nice to choose the filtering mode for those textures.

In my image below I’m rendering at a relatively low resolution so I’m getting interpolation between pixels (I’ve disabled anti-aliasing in my render TOP so it definitely isn’t coming from that). My only guess is that this would be coming from the filtering of the texture (maybe mipmap by default?). For now my fix is rendering at twice the resolution and using a resolutionTOP with nearest filtering to go back down to my desired resolution.



The anti-aliasing of the font is built into the shaders that are rendering the font and I don’t think we have a lot of control over that.

As you suggested, the fonts are drawn using distance fields that adapt to whatever the current output resolution is. The distance field descriptions are stored in textures, but it isn’t really image data and so you can’t really use filtering on them. I believe they are already sampled using a nearest filter.

I’m not entirely sure what effect you are going for, but you may also want to check out the Text TOP for rendering text directly to a texture. It has a few different rendering modes that are based on other systems and they potentially give you some more control over font’s anti-aliasing.