Chop audio for a switch TOP

Hi, the idea I have it simple (as always)

I have an audio interview that I have cut up with space inbetween each responce or comment. I have a switch TOP with only 2 inputs:
0 = creative visual to act as B-roll for when the interviewee isn’t talking
1 = video clip of the speaker

In CHOPS, how would I create a null to reference in the switcher for simply; On (1) when she speaks, and Off (0) for the quiet gaps.

I have played around with Math > Lag > Null and resample, but its very erractic!

Hi @CallumToy,

Maybe first use a Trail CHOP to record the Audio over 1 second, then append an Analyze to get the RMS or right away the average and trigger based on these results? It should take a bit longer to switch from video clip to creative visuals, while the other way around should be fairly emmidiate.


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Thanks @snaut

That is the solution I was looking for!