Hi there, simple problem: Based on a collision i get the value 0 or 1 for the collision, 1 being the active collision.
I referenced that CHOP Constant to a CHOP Execute (Active On/Off), which does some stuff “onOffToOn”.
However, it’s not triggering the OffToOn (nor the onOnToOff i checked) python code. But when i checked for “while on” for example, it worked. Iam really confused at this point and i’d appreciate any help…
(I would like to add the .toe here but apparently i cant due to being a new user?)
not a bug imo, the issue is with controlling the Active parameter of the CHOP Execute with the same channel that you want to use for the onOffToOn callback.
On the Event of the the channel value becoming >0 the CHOP Execute is only activated and the Off to On callback missed. Once the DAT is active, the channel’s value is already “on” and hence the callback will not be executed.
Is there a reason you need to control the Active Parameter?
Thank you so much for your reply. I don’t quite get the channel issue though. Isn’t OffToOn triggered when the ChopExecute is activated? In Which way am i using it for the same channel for the onOffToOn callback? Or rather how should I solve this instead? That would be wonderful to know, thank you!
Edit: I got it, threw out the active check and let it be active permanently, also used only the chop channel reference. Thank you very much. I now understand how this Node works haha