Hi there,
New to TD.
Everytime l put a filter chop in the network, the whole systems stalls.
If l bypass it, it runs smoothly…
I am running the commercial version on anAorusX7 twin GPU laptop.
Any ideas?
Many thanks!
Can you share your .toe file for us to take a look at?
Morning Malcolm,
Thanks for replying. My CHOP filter problem is not unique to any network.
It hangs even at the very start of a clean project.
I have attached a file where l plonk in the chop filter at the very start.
The system hangs the moment l insert the chop filter.
With the reset set to ON, the network is fine but the filter has no effect.
Thanks Malcolm!
ChopFILE.toe (431 KB)
The problem is that you’re giving your filter chop way much information to process. If you for example connect it to the noise chop you have above in your example it will work fine.
As I understand you want to smooth out your incoming audio waveform, there is a lot of ways to do it. For example you can use audioin-analyze(rms power)-lag/or filter chop. Or you can use eq to isolate say kickdrum, resample it at a lower rate and then feed it to filter.
Thanks Devy for pointing out other ways I can smooth out audio signals.
Shall attempt those.
However my problem is that even with just 3 nodes; audio in - filter - null, the network hangs.
My example file did not even have the noise chop connected…
I can remove the template noise network and have just 3 nodes in the entire project and it will still hang.
So I don’t quite understand how there’s too much to process…
The issue is the Filter CHOP itself is by default set to 1 second.
When you connect Audio, thats 44,100 samples worth x 60 times per second.
You should reduce the Filter Width parameter in your case, when dealing with audio rates.
Alternatively, have you tried the Audio Filter CHOP, in the experimental builds?
It has much finer control for audio work.
Sample rate of the noise chop is 60. Which means that it recalculates the wave form 60 times per second. Now the sample rate of audioin chop is 44100 hertz, which means that touch designer does 44100 cycle of calculation per second to make a representation of incoming audiowave. Now imagine that filter chop have to deal with smoothing out data which updates 44100 per second so it actually have to run its process 44100 times per second as well!
Ah… pardon my ignorance in the audio department.
I get it now.
Thanks a lot Devy and Rob.
Cheers guys!