Hi everyone I want to make the quantize moving effect on a grid with noise. I want to use the line mat, but the problem as you see is that it is a continuous line that connects the end of every line to the start of the next. Is there any way to fix that, and display each line on its own? Or maybe to make the quantization in any other way, to avoid this (maybe not in chops)?
Thanks in advance!
The Chop to Sop doesn’t determine the structure. You have to create separatly a Grid Sop with the same number of rows and columns and link its output to the input of the Chop to Sop operator.
You will also activate the “Compute Normals”.
Hope that helps,
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And the project (its easier for us if you also publish your project
chopToSop.toe (4.8 KB)
Thank you very much! Omg … I didn’t realize the chop to sop needed a sop input as well…
Yes, I always forget to attach the project file, will try to remember next time!