Hello, the installation that I’m working on right now uses a screen grab from to have my phone tiktok feed. I want to use the like button to trigger a sound and a random set of animations. I managed to isolate the like button using a crop top and a rgb key so when the the heart turns red, I get a trigger. The problem is that I get false triggers when I swipe the videos and I can’t find a way to fix this. Can someone help me please? I can leave the tox file so you can see my progress
Melting Brain color counter v1.5.toe (4.7 KB)
Hi @Calin_u2,
could you record a video from the Screengrab TOP and link to it so when running your example file we can exactly see what you are trying to solve?
Hello, I uploaded a recording yo show you what my problem is. When I swipe from a Tiktok to another, I get false triggers from the follow button popping out for a second.
Hi @Calin_u2,
possible way to deal with this would be to not trigger an action right away but wait for n-frames before reacting.
Such networks can be build various ways, one approach could be to use a Count CHOP and connect the triggering channel to the Count CHOP’s first and second input. While the first input is for channels to count, the second is a reset. Now for the Count CHOP’s parameters, set Off to On
as well as While On
to “Increase Count”. Also set Reset Condition
to “On to Off”.
Essentially now you have a counter for how long your input condition is met.
From here you could also set the Reset Value
parameter to the negative of the number of frames you need the image to be on screen before triggering. Now your output channel will cross from “off” (n<=0
) to “on” (n>0
) only after the specified number of frames.
Check out the OP Snippets for more details on how a Count CHOP works.