ok so made a cube in C4D 200x200x200cm …imported as FBX in TD and seems that a box Sop 200x200x200 is the same size. So do Translate Rotate parameters differ from Size in way of measurements ? Like when i make an skeleton for the Kinect its 2cm high…what is exactly an unit compared with cm
Also 4 meters high imported in TD and using an Oculus looks like 20 meters to me …is this a FOV issue ?
I could be wrong about this, but usually, a first step in matching render size between different application is creating a reference viewing setup.
In this case what I would do, is create a camera in C4D with a view that frames the scene the way you want to see it in TD. Then match these camera settings to the setup in TD. This way you can determine what the variance might be.
I mostly work in Blender, and there you can set whether the internal unit system is meant to be parsed as metric or imperial, but only some geometry interchange formats do anything with this information.
Most geometry winds up being stored in normalized coordinate spaces, so the FOV is the likely culprit.