Hello all,
I have a little issue on a program i am developping.
I have a circular LED strip of 4m (240LEDs) on a circle frame.
I want to map it by getting pixel values on a texture with the UVs of a circle SOP.
The movement seems right, but the mapping looks funny, like each half on the circle (vertically) is mapped seperately with the same values…
If someone has a idea to help, that’d be fantastic !
File attached.
LEDmappingtoFIX.toe (11.7 KB)
If you look at the help page of the Top to CHOP, its input CHOP is specified as : “The input CHOP must contain 2 channels, for U and V. The first channel is always assumed to be U.”.
So I added a Point SOP to add uv data to every point, set the SOP to CHOP to extract UV data, and fed those channels to the Top to CHOP.
Furthermore I tuned the scaling a bit of the instances and the center circle filling up, so they match up.
LEDmappingtoFIX_v2.toe (11.8 KB)
Hey nettoyeur !
Thank you so much for the cleanup !
It works flawlessly.