Is there a way to generate CITP stream ?
You could probably do it with python, though I can’t seem to find enough documentation about the protocol to tell you how much effort that would take. There is a C++ library, so you could in theory either write a C++ CHOP or write a python wrapper for the C++ library and use that.
What equipment uses that protocol?
If it’s some sort of derived form of DMX, then you could use the DMX Out CHOP or the ArtNet DAT.
As i found in the citp forum : “The CITP (Controller Interface Transport Protocol) is a dual layer protocol suite that has been designed for
communication between lighting consoles, media servers and visualizers. This document describes how it is
used on top of an IP stack, but the packets could easily be used over other media as well, such as USB links.”
We use it to send media to 3d lighting visualizer in order to simulate light, video on stage.
What is it that you’re trying to communicate with?
i try to communicate with capture.
Is that hardware or software? Who makes it? If you can find any other way to communicate with it that’s natively supported that (DMX/ArtNet, MIDI, etc) would make things easier. If not, are you familiar enough with C++ and Python to write an adapter? If not, maybe we can work out some sort of deal. I’d need to get some hardware or software to test with, unless you happen to be in the Boston area.
pascalv: Did you fine a solution to send CITP video stream to Capture from Touch?
Curious, was there any light shed on this topic?