Clearer Download Page

Sorry if this has been discussed since the site update - I haven’t been on the forum much since then - but this is related to the download stuff on the Derivative site:

  1. Considering downloading TD is the #1 reason I come to the site, the button to make that happen is fairly buried and I still have to search for it every time

  2. The download page ( doesn’t tell you immediately what version of TD you’re about to download, meaning if you have a lot of installers in your downloads folder (as I often do), you’re going on a bit of a hunt to figure out the current version

  3. Looking to the archive for clarification on point 2 above doesn’t provide much help as the current version is listed alongside the others in the archive as though it’s already been archived

… these amount to a bit of a step backwards in what is already a less-than-ideal version management setup.

Extracting bins at the CLI, writing bats to launch the appropriate version, and now a bit of sleuthing required on the site to be sure you’re pulling what you think you’re pulling.

Am I missing something?