Feature Request: Confirmation/Warning while closing TD or leaving a cloned node to clone immune nodes that are different from the master clone
Anyone else still forget to clone immune nodes and pull hair out when you re-open the file?
Feature Request: Confirmation/Warning while closing TD or leaving a cloned node to clone immune nodes that are different from the master clone
Anyone else still forget to clone immune nodes and pull hair out when you re-open the file?
Another good one: I recently worked on a component a for a night that actually was loading an external tox, all lost… as you say, pulling my hair out. So for this case so warning would also be nice
I have sworn off using external tox files because of this problem but I think it is more about the fear of the unknown. I just broke my own rule while experimenting and have now lost quite a bit of work because of it.
Have you found ways to recover the lost work?
What is the right way to use external tox?
Perhaps this needs to move to the forum for more discussion?
We use external tox’s and haven’t had too many issues. Just got to remember to save them when working in them. They’re helpful if you’ve got a ton of signal processing you need to do, but never anything in parallel. Sometimes just having unused stuff in the project will hog memory, and it’s easier to just dump the tox and reload it when needed.
Ouch, just when I thought I understood them myself something similar happened.
I have a custom slider I like to re-use and had loaded it as an external tox. I had thought that setting the clone immune flags in the saved component would allow me to reference the external tox, while overriding the instance’s parameter settings.
So i went and setup a bunch of sliders with various settings and hit save. Opened my file the next day, only to find all my sliders in the default state as they are saved in the tox, and not configured as I had left them.
It seems you need to remove the external tox reference in the common tab in order to not loose your parameter settings. Which is kind of killing the point of making a reference, no?
All the other packages out there let you override referenced files parameters - I really think touch needs to behave in a similar way. Avoiding the use of external/referenced toxs is surely not the ‘use’ for them.
I would expect that you blow away all your customizations on a referenced node if you hit the ‘re-init network’ button. Basically, removing all the edits.