Hi all,
Apologies if this had been asked before but I couldn’t find it.
I’m attempting to combine 2 point groups from a sphere. I used the numbers option to create one group based on point position and another selecting every third point.
I’m trying to use the combine tab but clearly doing something wrong.
Additionally, I was wondering if it’s possible to delete certain points of a sphere to get random remaining polygons.
attached an example which hopefully provides all the answers.
groupA is 500 random points on the sphere (easy trick is to use a Sort SOP to sort points in random order and then take the first 500 points) , groupB is all points within a bounding sphere.
To delete points from a sphere and still see the remaining shape I convert the Sphere mesh to polygon before I delete points
furthermore both groups are combined into groupA and all their points are deleted.
SOP_grouping_and_combining.tox (1.47 KB)
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.
What I was doing wrong is trying to add the 2 group nodes in parallel (composite TOP Style). It makes sense that if using multiple groups I have to attach one after the other.